Giving Back with the 2014 United Way Campaign
2014 United Way Campaign Chair Mary Weber, on the success of the week and “The Power of Ten”.

For more than a decade, Opus has partnered with the United Way to give back to the communities we live and work in – a core value for our organization and associates alike. This month, we held our annual week-long campaign to encourage associates to get involved in our offices across the country. As the chair of this year’s United Way campaign I can proudly say we did just that. Thanks to our incredible associates, the total amount raised since our partnership began in 2001 is now more than $3 million!
The theme this year was “The Power of 10,” to represent our goal of increasing contributions and participation by 10 percent and to highlight what a donation of just $10 a week can do – from providing 100 nutritious meals to a family of four to helping two people develop new job skills.
Through a host of activities and events, including bake sales, fundraisers, Penny Wars and volunteer opportunities, we met our goal by working together and encouraging each other to give back. The Opus Foundation® generously matched $2 to every $1 donated throughout the first ten hours of giving and dollar for dollar for the rest of the week.
Additionally, nearly 100 Opus associates volunteered to help local organizations throughout the week, including a volunteer fair at our headquarters in which we helped four different nonprofits by gathering personal hygiene products, ties and scarves along with making fleece blankets, felt coloring books and special “Interviewing Success Kits” to benefit those in need and help them succeed. Volunteer efforts in other offices included preparing and serving breakfast to homeless youth, packing grocery sacks for a community food network and putting together toiletry kits for families in crisis.
Topping our goal of raising $90,000 in donations, the 2014 United Way campaign week was a smashing success! Opus is proud of the communities we live in and we look forward to supporting them for many years to come. Thank you to United Way for partnering with us for more than a decade and to our employees who continuously step up to give back to our communities.
Community stewardship is at the core of our organization and has been a pillar of our organization's history from the beginning. Learn more about our commitment.
Article Type: Blog Post
Topics: United Way Campaign | Opus Foundation | Giving