In 2022 while our team members were busy developing, designing, building and partnering to create meaningful spaces, we also codified our long-standing commitment to corporate responsibility.
From how we operate our business to how we support our communities and people, our work is intentional and thoughtful, and we approach it with great purpose. We are Responsible by Design.
Our Corporate Responsibility commitments can be identified in three areas:
- Respecting the Environment
- Caring for People & Communities
- Operating with Integrity
I invite you to explore this report, in which you'll learn about the actions we've taken in the past year to adapt to a changing world, address pressing issues in our communities and make a positive impact.
We're grateful for the opportunities we have to work in many communities in numerous capacities and grateful to our team for living our values within and outside of Opus.

Tim Murnane, President & CEO
The Opus Group
When Opus began in 1953, our founder created a better way of doing business in the commercial real estate sector and established a culture of integrity, respect and stewardship. Today, our commitment to operating responsibly and being a good corporate citizen remains rooted in these principles. Our success depends on how well we serve our clients, the way we treat people, the steps we take to protect our planet and how we enhance our communities.
Table of Contents
Respecting the Environment
We recognize that commercial buildings can have an impact on the environment. We strive to be a good steward of the environment, protecting natural resources and reducing negative impact. We do this primarily through our sustainable building design and construction practices and our environmental remediation investments. We also promote sustainability through actions within our office and jobsite workspaces.

Interest in sustainability is increasing among capital partners, tenants, our associates and the general public. All of our projects incorporate common sense sustainable elements whenever feasible, from bringing natural light into the building, selecting urban infill sites, using renewable construction and finish materials, recycling construction waste, to considering occupant health and safety. Our project team members scrutinize materials, how the project will be executed and how the building will ultimately perform.
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Environmental Risk

We actively invest in environmental mitigation to support development of brownfields or undesirable sites, ultimately benefiting communities and their residents, as well as the planet. We have an experienced in-house environmental risk team that has developed sophisticated, proprietary due diligence and remediation processes. This team is integrated into our core project teams, sharing the same goals of delivering quality-built projects on time and on budget. Their efforts can help transform contaminated, unusable property into a productive development that creates jobs and generates tax revenues for local municipalities, while also respecting the environment.
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Caring for People & Communities
We are dedicated to advancing the well-being of our associates, clients, business partners and people in the communities where we live and work. We strive to foster an environment and culture that is equitable and inclusive. And we are deeply committed to helping make our communities better places to live, work and raise families.
Opus Foundation® Giving

The Opus Foundation is committed to improving conditions that disproportionately affect historically underinvested individuals and communities by resourcing key focus areas of early childhood education, youth development, workforce development, community revitalization and pressing and emerging needs.
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Collaborative Giving
Opus and the Opus Foundation have a passion for improving our communities. When we combine these efforts, we can maximize our impact.
Building Community Award

The Gerry Rauenhorst Building Community Award honors our founder's legacy of giving by awarding $1,000 for every year of our organization's history to a nonprofit selected by associates.
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United Way Campaign
We build strong team bonds while building awareness, raising money and volunteering during our annual campaign. Through our volunteer efforts during the week, associates also contribute to the wellbeing of our communities.
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Founder's Day

Since 2012, we have honored our origins by hosting a company-wide volunteer day. Founder's Day commemorates the day Gerry Rauenhorst signed the first contract for Rauenhorst Construction Co. Associates across the company are given paid time off to volunteer together with local affiliates of Rebuilding Together and Habitat for Humanity.
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Enterprise Giving
We are active in the communities where we do business. Since our founding 70 years ago, we have prioritized giving back to the communities where our team members live, work and raise families. Building community is what we do—both through our actions and our approach.
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Diversity Equity Inclusion (DEI)
We are committed to building a more diverse, equitable and inclusive team with a wide range of experiences and talents and supporting a culture of belonging. In 2022 we continued to make progress on our multi-year DEI action plan.
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Our associates care about and pursue a wide range of issues that are aimed at improving our industry and communities. They are driving change through their work at Opus and beyond.
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At Opus, the safety of our associates and our work environments continues to be a top priority and an essential part of our corporate culture.
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Associate Support & Engagement
Associates are supported in a variety of ways to enhance their experience at Opus and their life outside.
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Operating with Integrity
We are intentional about operating responsibly and conducting our business with integrity. Since our founding, we have fostered a culture of building trust with our clients and stakeholders. Our associates strive to build strong relationships by exceeding expectations, building quality and delivering on commitments. Further, our Board of Directors and Executive Leadership Team ensure strong governance, appropriate management of risk and effective planning and policies.
Our mission, vision and values—along with a rolling five-year strategic plan—help guide the action of our associates.
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2022 Opus Board of Directors
- Bob Underhill, Chair
- Mary Brainerd, Director
- Amy Goldman, Director
- Sabrina Kanner, Director
- Wade Lau, Director
- Walt Mercer, Director
- Tim Murnane, Director
- Mark Rauenhorst, Director
All 2022 Opus Foundation® Grantees
- A Mother's Love Initiative
- Academy of Holy Angels
- ACE Mentor Program of Colorado
- African American Leadership Forum
- Anawim Housing, Inc.
- Aris Foundation
- Arizona Helping Hands
- Banner Health Foundation
- Big Brothers Big Sisters Twin Cities
- Big Shoulders Fund
- Boys & Girls Club of Metro Denver
- Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Kansas City
- Breck School
- Brent Eley Foundation
- Building Futures Design & Build Workshops
- By Degrees Foundation
- Camp Fire Minnesota
- Cardinal Ritter Senior Services
- Child Crisis Arizona
- Christian Family Care
- Christopher House
- Clayton Community Foundation
- Colorado Coalition for the Homeless
- CommonBond Communities
- Community Action Partnership of Scott, Carver, and Dakota Counties
- Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines
- Community Pathways of Steele County
- ConnectUP! Institute
- Construction Careers Foundation
- Construction Education Foundation
- Cristo Rey Jesuit High School - Twin Cities
- CU Real Estate Center, Leeds School of Business
- Denver Children's Advocacy Center
- Denver Inner City Parish
- Denver Kids, Inc.
- DinoMights
- Downtown Tempe Authority
- Dress for Success Indianapolis
- Dress for Success Twin Cities
- Dunwoody College of Technology
- Earnest & Edna Shepherd Youth Center
- Every Third Saturday Inc.
- Feed Northland Kids
- Forgotten Harvest
- Fourth Avenue Foundation, Inc.
- Free Bikes 4 Kidz MN
- Freedom for Youth Ministries
- Gather and Grow Waconia United Food Shelf
- Genesys Works Twin Cities
- Girl Scouts of Minnesota and Wisconsin River Valleys
- Giving the Basics, Inc.
- Goodwill of Central and Southern Indiana
- Goodwill-Easter Seals Minnesota
- Great River Greening
- Greater Des Moines Habitat for Humanity
- Greater MSP
- Greater Phoenix Chamber Foundation
- Greater Twin Cities United Way
- Grimes Volunteer Support Services (GVSS)
- Habitat for Humanity Central Arizona
- Habitat for Humanity of Kansas City
- Habitat for Humanity of Metro Denver
- Habitat for Humanity Saint Louis
- Hancock Health Foundation
- Harvesters—The Community Food Network
- Hearts & Hammers
- Hillcrest Hope
- Home Sweet Home
- Homeward Bound
- Hope Community
- Inner City Night Shelter
- InspireMSP
- International Institute of Minnesota
- Iowa State University Foundation
- Jesuit Refugee Service/USA
- Junior Achievement North
- Junior Achievement of Greater St. Louis
- Lake Street Council
- Lewy Body Dementia Association, Inc.
- Loyola Academy of St. Louis
- Marquette University Center for Real Estate
- Meals from the Heartland
- Mesa Arts Center Foundation
- Metro Caring
- MicroGrants
- Mile High United Way
- Mile High Youth Corps
- Minnesota American Legion Foundation Fund 84
- Minnesota Brownfields
- NAIOP-Indiana Chapter
- Navigate Adolescence, Inc.
- New Pathways for Youth
- NEWSED Community Development Corporation
- Oak Park Country Club Foundation
- Operation Breakthrough, Inc.
- Our Lady of Peace
- Our Savior Lutheran Church & School
- Pathway Financial Education
- People Reaching Out to People
- Peter & Paul Community Services
- Pillsbury United Communities
- Project DIVA International
- Project for Pride in Living, Inc.
- Project IOWA
- Rebuilding Together Kansas City
- Rebuilding Together Metro Chicago
- Rebuilding Together Minnesota
- Rise CDFI
- Ronald McDonald House Charities of St. Louis
- Sioux Empire United Way, Inc.
- Society of St. Vincent de Paul
- SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children's Foundation
- St. Louis Area Foodbank
- St. Louis Children's Hospital Foundation
- St. Mary's Early Childhood Center
- Starfish Initiative
- STEP - St. Louis Park Emergency Program Inc.
- Summit Academy OIC
- Sun Valley Youth Center
- The Community Foundation Boulder County
- The Knothole Foundation Inc.
- The Lovelady Center
- The Power of People Leadership Institute™
- The Salvation Army Midland Division
- Third Way Center
- TLC/Transitional Living Communities
- Together We Rise
- Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity
- U.S. Green Building Council
- Ujamaa Place
- United Services for Children
- United Way of Bartholomew County
- United Way of Central Indiana
- United Way of Central Iowa
- United Way of Greater Kansas City
- United Way of Greater Milwaukee & Waukesha County
- United Way of Greater St. Louis
- United Way of Metropolitan Chicago
- University of Denver - Franklin L. Burns School of Real Estate and Construction Management
- University of Minnesota Foundation
- University of St. Thomas
- Urban Boatbuilders, Inc.
- Urban Dreams
- Urban Peak
- Valley of the Sun United Way
- Variety - The Children's Charity
- Walker West Music Academy
- Wheeler Mission
- Wichita Falls Area Food Bank
- William Ferris Chorale
- Women's Advocates
- YMCA of Metropolitan Chicago
- Youth Frontiers, Inc.
2022 Opus Foundation® Board of Directors
- Matt Rauenhorst, Board Chair
- Joe Downs, Board Member
- Beth Duyvejonck, Board Member
- Margaret Green-Rauenhorst, Board Member
- Aretha Green-Rupert, Board Member
- Olivia Jefferson, Board Member
- Tim Murnane, Board Member
- Kim Noonan, Board Member
- Elaine Rasmussen, Board Member
- Ian Widmer, Board Member