Associate Commitment

More than a Job

What are our team members like? They're talented, dedicated and knowledgeable. They're experts in their field and committed to the work we do, the clients we do it for and the communities in which we work. Our associates streamline complex projects and always deliver value to clients.

(Don't miss our Day in the Life videos or 6 Reasons Why Opus to learn what it's like to be part of Team Opus)

A smiling man in professional attire sits at a conference room table across from another person.

Associates in Their Own Words

Let our associates tell you about being on our team.

Project Management

  • Jeff Smith

    At Opus we involve project managers from the start to the finish of a project. It enables you to be intimately involved with all details of the project. What I enjoy most about my job is at the end of a project, stepping back and seeing the creative work that happened. It’s a great feeling to know I was an integral part of bringing it to fruition.

    Jeff Smith

    Senior Vice President
  • Nick Lauters

    Our teams at Opus work hard to ensure client satisfaction, and we are always working toward that common goal together. We know when we did a good job when the client is happy and feels like it wasn't a difficult process.

    Nick Lauters

  • Beth Duyvejonck

    One of the things I like about this job is creating something completely new with each client. It never gets old. We get to create amazing environments for people to live and work in, and we are passionate about it. In fact, we tend to get really attached to the buildings and our clients.

    Beth Duyvejonck

    Regional Vice President