Dirt Starts Moving on I-88 Gateway in North Aurora

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Mike Yungerman on breaking ground in North Aurora, Illinois.

Today we celebrated the start of construction on I-88 Gateway Logistics Center, the 604,565-square-foot speculative industrial building in North Aurora, Ill. with an official groundbreaking ceremony.

We are very excited to get this project started in North Aurora. We are beginning to see good market activity and believe that our delivery in June will be well-timed to the expanding market.

Other Opus representatives and representatives from USAA Real Estate Company, who will own the project, as well as North Aurora Village President Dale Berman joined me at the groundbreaking. It was a great milestone to celebrate.

Stay tuned for more updates on this project!

Above: Joining representatives of Opus Development Company, L.L.C. in breaking ground are from the left Dale Berman, president of the village of North Aurora; Sean Spellman, vice president and general manager; David Buck of USAA; David Reahl of USAA; Richard Figueroa, director of capital markets; Mike Yungerman, vice president; Mike Toth of North Aurora and Steve Bosco of North Aurora.

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Topics: Industrial Development & Construction | Projects