Kansas Leadership Center Achieves LEED Gold Certification
The third LEED Gold certified building in Wichita features various sustainable aspects.

We previously reported the Kansas Leadership Center (KLC) was designed to meet LEED Gold certification, and now, we’re excited to announce the building has been certified!
Planning for certification began early in the design process and was a collaboration between our team and the Kansas Health Foundation and KLC’s leadership. Sustainable aspects of the building include the following:
- Built on an urban site and connected to mass transit and community services, the KLC building encourages development density.
- The inclusion of storage for 20 bicycles and two showers promote and support alternative transportation.
- A white, TPO roof reflects sunlight and reduces the heat-island effect.
- Through smart decisions, the potable water usage for the project was reduced by more than 40% of the baseline calculations.
- Native vegetation and drought tolerant plantings were installed, eliminating the need for a permanent irrigation system and thus reducing potable water consumption.
- Energy efficient HVAC equipment was installed; energy consumption was reduced and energy cost savings was realized.
- The HVAC equipment contained selected refrigerants and systems that minimize or eliminate the emission of compounds that are harmful to the environment.
- Over 75% of the on-site generated waste was diverted from the landfill, and over 10% of the total building materials have been manufactured using recycled materials.
- Green power was purchased for 35% of the building’s calculated energy use (kWh) over a two year period.
Completed in summer 2013, this is the third LEED Gold certified building in the city of Wichita. It is our 23rd LEED Gold certified building.
Article Type: Blog Post
Topics: Institutional Development & Construction | Kansas City | Projects | Sustainability