Let’s Build Community: Associates Participate in 6th Annual Founder’s Day

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Associates company-wide took the opportunity to get out of the office and give back. Find out what associates did across the country and in your community.

Stewardship—giving back to and supporting our communities—is one of our core values. On Friday, April 21, we celebrated our 6th annual Founder’s Day, recognizing the day Gerry Rauenhorst signed his first contract to build Zion Lutheran Church in Olivia, Minn.

“This is a great event,” said Tim Murnane, president & chief executive officer of Opus Holding, L.L.C. “Giving back to the community was something that was very important to Gerry. If you look at our core values today, we believe in the same thing—being good stewards and giving back to the communities where we do business.”

Partnering with two great organizations, Habitat for Humanity and Rebuilding Together, associates company-wide took the opportunity to get out of the office and give back. Find out what associates did across the country and in your community.

Chicago & Milwaukee – Associates worked with Rebuilding Together Metro Chicago to make repairs and upgrades to Hephzibah Children's Association in Oak Park.

Denver – A cold, rainy day didn’t stop the group from putting up siding, window trim and flashing for Habitat for Humanity.

Des Moines – Our Iowa team partnered with Ames-based Habitat for Humanity of Central Iowa for the second year. The Central Iowa chapter was the Des Moines finalist for the 2016 Building Community Award.

Indianapolis – Partnering with Habitat for Humanity, the Indianapolis team landscaped, put up soffit and installed windows.

Kansas City & St. Louis – Our two Missouri offices gathered together in St. Louis to do landscaping projects for Habitat for Humanity.

Minneapolis – With a growing team, Minneapolis associates spread out to nine sites this year—six with Habitat for Humanity and three with Rebuilding Together.

Phoenix – Phoenix associates worked with Habitat for Humanity Central Arizona in their market.

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Topics: Founder's Day | Giving